Trainer Profile

Subramanyam Ashwini Ramakrishnan

Ashwini’s journey into yoga began 14 years back when her husband, a regular yoga practitioner, influenced her to try yoga to recover from an injury even though her doctor had advised physiotherapy. She started her classes at Vazhve Valamudan and later joined Ms. Katyayini’s classes. A direct disciple of Swami Govindananda, Ashwini has learnt the Sivananda system of yoga and Hatha yoga. She started teaching yoga in the Netherlands, where she had to move for a short period. Though a lawyer by profession, she realised that teaching yoga gave her a deep sense of fulfillment. After moving back to Chennai, she joined 136.1 to continue her passion.

Yoga has given her immense peace and control of mind and the ability to discriminate the good & evil. She’s a firm believer that “Health is wealth, peace of mind is happiness & yoga shows the way.” Her classes are focussed on Sivananda yoga where her emphasis is on Pranayama, the basic food for the soul..

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